Our Quran Scholor

A yellow motel with palm trees in front of it.
About us

Lighthouse History

The Lighthouse Mosque was founded in 2007 by Imam Zaid Shakir. The community of the Lighthouse is diverse and tries to adhere to the teaching of Allah’s final Messenger PBUH. Currently the Lighthouse is run by a Majlis Shura consisting of 5 brothers and 3 sisters. It is located in North Oakland and has a rotating group of teachers and speakers that teach classes and delivered khutbah. May Allah continue to bless the Lighthouse community with informative classes, lectures and a healthy spirit of teamwork and brotherhood. May Allah bless all the Muslims with good in this world and good in the next and may He save us from the fire.

A man with glasses and beard wearing a white hat.
About Our Imam

Zaid Shakir

Zaid Shakir  is a co-founder, and senior faculty member of Zaytuna College located in Berkeley, CA. He is amongst the most respected and influential Islamic scholars in the West. As an American Muslim who came of age during the civil rights struggles, he has brought both sensitivity about race and poverty issues and scholarly discipline to his faith-based work.