
Unity Eid
Eid Al Adha SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2024 Takbir Start at 9:00 a:m Prayer at 9:30a Lowell Park 1180 14th Street Oakland CA 94607

ISLAMIC STUDIES Tuesday & Friday 6 pm to 7 pm
Al Akhdari Mukhtasar Al-Akhdari The Fiqh Of The Acts Of Worship Weekly Class

Unity Eid Date: Wednesday, April 10th Time: Eid Takbir starts at 8:30 AM Prayer led by Imam Zaid Shakir at 9:00 AM Location: Golden Gate Recreation Center 1075 62nd Street Oakland, CA
Let’s come together as a community to celebrate the joyous occasion of Eid al-Fitr. Join us for a heartfelt prayer led by Imam Zaid Shakir

The Modesty Effect: Muslimahs in Motion (IN PERSON)
Join us for an unforgettable night of Fashion, Culture, and Hip-Hop, all viewed through an artistic modest lens. Join the Hijabi Chronicles at the Islamic

Eid Al-Fitr Unity Eid Celebration
Friday April 21 TAKBIR starts at 8:30, PRAYER at 9:00 Please Bring Your Prayer Rug Food, Face Painting, Animal Show, Toys SAN PABLO PARK, 2800